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Reclaim Ethical Medicine is a great name and a worthy aim.

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Thanks Libby, the #$%##! Govt responded to letters prior to approval of the first amendments with "JSCOT will look into the amendments" - while JSCOT was, one must assume, deliberately given no referral - and did not seek one, until pushed by pressure that came from the public and Australia Exits the WHO efforts. They are playing games with the population and have no intention of actually assessing the real implications of these treaties. Although basically toothless JSCOT is supposed to be the body that is conducting due diligence on our behalf, but when its now Chair as told to me by one of her staffers "sometimes looks at the documents; sometimes goes to the meetings and always follows the party line" what hope have we got within the system?

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First, I have to say that there should not be a world health organization making these decisions for nation states at all due to their track record of false pandemics that never played out as planned. I say planned because they were! The scare tactics used to make the public afraid only worked during the false HIV-AIDS falsity as has been proven in detail. Fauci was at the head of this murderous ruse making statement's that were false. There was never a virus called AIDS and HIV was never related to this condition, not virus but condition, then AZT was the only treatment authorized by, guess who, Fauci. Kerri Mullis, the inventor of the PCR test as well as the Nobel Prize for said work stated that it could not be used to diagnose any active pathogen and what did they use? the PCR test???? This is the same old Eugenics project Writt large as on a global scale. What better way to cull the population than to frighten them into taking a poison vaccine by the billions. Just look at the covid madness as a perfect example. I urge anyone subscribing to this site to look at the amazing work of Doctors Bailey and Bailey of New Zeeland and see the fraud of virology as in there is no such creature in existence. The supposed discovery of a virus was never proven but they all refer back to the original in a circular argument! It is turtles all the way down. They have been conditioning us with fear for so long that we mostly just jump to get jabbed by the latest non pandemic. Stop being afraid and start studding the factual information that has been available for decades. I for one do not want any world anything except peace and this seems to be an impossibility. If reclaiming ethical medicine is the mantra then stop believing in allopathic medicine. Let your medicine be your food and your food be your medicine. Most of the medical cartel lies to us about the safety of everything they do. It has been a money-making scam for over a century, and this was the Rockefeller medical model. Why would anyone trust a Rockefeller knowing what we know about them and their British city of London financial cabal? Bill Gates is one of the main funders of the WHO, WEF and GAVI. They vaccinate millions of poor Africans when what they actually need is clean water and healthy food, then their health would be good enough to never need poisons injected into them just as we do not. The covid death rate was much higher because of the vaccine, also planned. Thank you, Libby, for all your information, Jack Williams, Tennessee, USA a former Democracy.

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Thanks for this update Libby - good questions! The previous amendments to the IHR, agreed 28/5/2022 did not get referred to JSCOT until over 12 months later (on the 13/6/2023)! So, I expect they will leave it until the last possible minute to minimise the time for discussion. Looking at the parliamentary calendar of sitting days, the latest they can leave it is last week of November? (Everything will then shut down for Christmas and it will be forgotten until Feb). Let’s hope that JSCOT runs a public consultation on this one. https://www.aph.gov.au/Parliamentary_Business/Committees/Joint/Treaties/JSCOT_Committee_Statement_on_WHO_Related_Treaty_Actions

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And one more question; how much has/does Australia commit to the Global fund, a slimy subsidiary of the WHO?

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