The writing on the wall is there for all to see yet a toxic cohort of the population choose to be blind to anythng that challenged their perceived place in the herd. I would suggest that as many people of rational disposition get training in marshal arts and weapons training. Hanging on to the false belief that our governments are part of wholesome civil society when it is plain they are treasonous mercenaries of the genocidal Billionaire Eugenicists will only ensure a complete lack of preparedness for what is so blatantly a tyranny that has been more than a generation in the making.

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Those are not the wretched WHO, UN, WEF etc. and also not your official governments = the miserable “branches”, which only publicize and execute the plans and commands of their grandmasters & lords from the shadow.

They are like the cheapest workers or prostitutes who sell their worthless souls, although a majority of them do it with great pleasure because they too, like their grandmasters (Rothschilds, Rockefellers & Co.), have the satanic souls in their bodies.

How can Primitive jewish Zionists, Satanic* Incest Bastards** & Enemies of Humanity control/ dominate/ enslave the USA, NATO & the western world? But NOT for much longer!

* John 8: 41-47; John 15: 21-24; Matthew 27: 25

** Leviticus 18: 6. 20. 22. 29 (Satan & Devil = Synonyms) https://mile7bar.substack.com/p/how-can-jews-control-the-us

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Great summary thanks Libby. There must be more emphasis on the bullying and coercion of delegates at the WHA and the fact that only 37 of 194 countries have approved the outside of Article 55 anyway IHR when a recorded vote (there was none taken) of 50% or more of countries was required. We know that law and what the health mafia is up to have little to do with each other but we must let our "leaders" know they are engaging in international terrorism by supporting the corrupted WHO. And we the people do not approve.

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Thanks Libby. Unfortunately our Dept. of Health will follow whatever the USA & Europe do and they may not even realise that they have signed up to use public funds in a global raketeering scheme. Need to do any overseas travel soon before they use bird flu as the next pandemic "emergency" - they are already trialling the H5N1 mRNA vaccine https://www.msn.com/en-us/health/other/us-government-nears-deal-to-fund-moderna-mrna-bird-flu-shot-trial-report-says/ar-BB1niYUd which I'm sure will have the same "safety profile" ahem as the last one :(

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