Here is what the person at the time responsible for this sort of thing for the UK Government said to me in a letter:


"However, Parliament’s role in the UK remains undiminished and any treaty will not hand over the governance of health in the UK to the WHO. "

So I asked (and got no reply):

"What is unambiguous about this statement: "The Director General’s authority replaces national sovereign authority. This can later be used to enforce sanctions on nations."

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Thank you for your informative article, passing on to our son who lives in Brisbane. GOD bless us all - I pray hard all day, every day for the Light of TRUTH to come to pass. I will never stop speaking Truth to medical tyranny ...

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You are right. They voted in May last year to pass legislation bypassing national governments.

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One legal question I have. Let's assume these IHR are changed and the Treaty goes ahead. Then some time between 2025 and 2028 the WHO decide to unleash a "heatlh emergency of international concern" (this is the period in which I think they will most likely do it - for the best political mileage). Can Australia then pull out of the WHO? And if they can does that absolve them from being forced to follow the IHR even if not the Treaty?

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